Chinese Community in Vienna

Online Concert to Celebrate the 50. Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Austria and China

To celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations between Austria and China, Euro-Sino Education Event Association, together with Golden July Music Festival and Schubert Conservatory, is presenting the following online concert with traditional art songs from China, Schubert Lieder from Austria, as well as an original composition (Lyric: Fengyun LEI, Music: Byron YUE). Enjoy!     For visitors in Mainland China, please follow the link below:

Special Edition: Art Songs and Classic Music Online Events 2021

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relationships between Austria and China, the Association of Euro-Chinese Educational Events and Golden July Music Festival Vienna have worked together to promote a series of performances as special online concerts starting March, 2021.  Following is the program of the concert on March 6., which took place in Franz Schubert Conservatory Concert Hall. More will follow up. The organizers are in the process of setting up a regular online platform to enable the audience to enjoy the unique performances in the long run.                                                                                  Program (20210306): Frühlingsglaube Text: Ludwig Uhland Music: Franz Schubert…

Happy New Year of the Ox

  Dear Readers, Happy New Year of the Ox! Enjoy the blessing Ox painted by the Chinese artist living in Austria, Ms ZHAO Yusheng! This year, the Chinese New Year, the so-called Spring Festival, began on February 12 , 2021 and will last until February 26, 2021 with the traditional Lantern Festival. After 2020, the Year of the Rat which was infested with the COVID-19 Pandemic, the whole world is looking forward to the better blessed year ahead. According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of the Ox is more of a lucky year for men and women born in the Year of the Ox, of the Snake, of the…

Hongai Institute, a Success Story of COVID-19 Treatment with TCM Methods

Since the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 crisis has generated immense medical, social and economic problems worldwide. The situation in Austria is no exception. Facing challenges, the Austrian government has henceforth ordered two hard lockdowns in order to bring the infection under control. Throughout this devastating period, an alternative treatment team based in Vienna is gaining more and more attention, campaigning all the way along with TCM methods for the COVID patients. Hongai Institute for traditional Chinese medicine and integrative preventive medicine, led by Dr. (TCM) LI Hongying, MPH, has been dedicating successfully to the COVID patients who are not hospitalized…


On November 29, 2020, PASCO (Promotion Association for Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Austria and China) held its annual meeting per Zoom platform, abiding by the corresponding policies by the Austrian government due to the Covid-19 situation. Around 60 participants including the invited guests attended the online activity, enjoying the rich program highlighted by the expert lectures, this year unmistakeably on the topic of COVID-19. PASCO is a talent hub based in Vienna, Graz and Leoben in Austria, striving for bridging scientific and technical projects of mutual interest between Europe and China. It is well connected with other associations for…

Beethoven Forever —- “An die ferne Geliebte”

This year of 2020 was to commemorate Beethoven’s 250 birthday. The Vienna music world prepared numerous related music events/feasts without realizing them due to the rampant continuation of the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet two young men took a brave move to pay homage to the master despite of the glooming atmosphere around the famous Musikverein mansion. The evening of October 10th saw the highlight of an energetic and dedicating concert entitled “An die ferne Geliebte” (To the distant beloved, Op. 98). Amid the touching applause of the audience, Mr. Byron YUE and Mr. Di YANG bowed and smiled broadly, knowing that…

The Awakening of Viennese Spring in the Eyes of YU Feng

The COVID-19 lockdown since mid-March has brought the artists in Vienna to a standstill. The galleries are closed. The exhibitions are cancelled. The get-together are postponed… While the existential question is being pushed more and more to the front desk, the artists rarely allow themselves to be let down by it. They are free in their own creative world. So is the Chinese painter Yu Feng who has spent the last 30 years in Vienna, considering this rich cultural capital as his true second home. The lockdown brought him to the more serious pondering of the relationship between human beings and…

Information about Short-time Work Module

Following the government measures against the vast spread of COVID-19, thousands of companies in Austria closed down on Monday, the 16th of March, 2020. Within days, more than 130,000 unemployment is reported to AMS (the Office of Labor). What would be the salary by switching to short-time working module during the COVID-19? Are there alternatives? Can I go to AMS (the Office of Labor) during the “General Quarantine” period? Facing countless such questions, the Austrian newspaper “Kronen” gave the answers based on the information offered by the Austrian Workers’ Union Arbeitskammer, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce Wirtschaftskammer and the Office…

Supporting Polices for SMEs by the Austrian Government in Chinese Language

Facing rampant COVID-19, the Austrian government has taken decisive measures and provided supporting policies for the SMEs. CKL Accounting GmbH is helping the Chinese community in Austria out, interpreting the policies and giving practical guidelines in Chinese language in this difficult time. As the support policies of the government are still being optimized and revised, it is not yet clear how specific applications are applied or whether they conflict with each other. Coming updates will be available as soon as possible.   欧洲新冠病毒肆虐,奥地利政府采取果断措施,同时提供配套政策支持中小企业。陈科霖会计师事务所会持续进行政策解读并给出实际操作指南,力助大家共度难关! 由于各级政府部门的扶持政策还在不断优化和细化中,某些优惠如何具体申请或优惠之间是否相互冲突还没有定论,“奥国那些事儿”会第一时间更新,请大家持续关注。    问题一:本次疫情期间,由于官方要求的限制营业或关闭,企业能否有政策赔偿? 答:不行。在之前的《1950流行病法》中,官方要求的限制营业或关闭造成的营业损失以及给员工照常发的工资,都是可以申请政策赔偿的。但2020年3月16日最新颁布的《新冠病毒2019流行病法》中已经没有赔偿的可能性。   问题二:本次疫情期间,利润变少甚至亏损,企业能申请哪些政策优惠?   政策优惠 申请方式 适用性 2.1 减少企业预缴的所得税(Einkommensteuer或Körperschaftsteuer) · 下载申请表 · 申请表填写签字后发至以下邮箱 或直接在Finanzonline上申请 所有受影响行业 2.2…

The Unforgettable Chinese Performance Evening 2020

On the 17. January, 2020, the Chinese community in Austria held a brilliant performance evening at VHS, Längenfeldgasse, 13-15 in Vienna to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. This has been a yearly tradition for successively 12 years. Organised by the Chinese Women’s Association with its grand dame Ms XIE Feiru, the Huaxing Art Group and the Chinese Overseas’ Student Union, the New Year’s performance evening in Vienna has been offering the audience a variety of programs, including dancing, singing, instrumental works, talk shows, raps and kabarett, etc., highlighting both traditional and modern pieces in China, as well as feathering…