Hongai Institute, a Success Story of COVID-19 Treatment with TCM Methods

Since the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 crisis has generated immense medical, social and economic problems worldwide. The situation in Austria is no exception. Facing challenges, the Austrian government has henceforth ordered two hard lockdowns in order to bring the infection under control. Throughout this devastating period, an alternative treatment team based in Vienna is gaining more and more attention, campaigning all the way along with TCM methods for the COVID patients.

Hongai Institute for traditional Chinese medicine and integrative preventive medicine, led by Dr. (TCM) LI Hongying, MPH, has been dedicating successfully to the COVID patients who are not hospitalized and need medical help to curb the symptoms and recover from the disease as well as the aftermath problems.

The Institute, established by Dr. LI Hongying and her twin sister LI Hongli this March, has built up a solid medical team with experts home and abroad. At the same time, a group of around 20 volunteers have joined the efforts to help prevent and cure the COVID related diseases.

Through social platforms and per videos, pictures and voice messages, the Institute have carried out online welfare seminars on the topics of the pandemic prevention measures and treatment recommendations. The activities are mainly for the sake of the overseas Chinese communities, but are more and more favored by the local Austrians, too.  Besides TCM herbs, scraping (Gua Sha), moxibustion, cupping, diet therapy, specific tea drinking, and yoga are all methods used to reach the goal of self-cure. Currently, about 900 people are participating in the Hongai Institute online activities.

With the month-long observations and the consultations for the patients with or without COVID-19 symptoms, Dr. LI Hongying has been able to analyze and summarize some important thoughts on the pandemic:


  1. Some COVID positive patients did not pay enough attention to the severity of this virus when the initial symptoms appeared, which resulted in laissez-faire quarantine and worsened situation.


  1. There are serious cases of taking simultaneously and indiscriminately Chinese and Western medicines, leading to adverse drug side effects. To listen to the guidance of a professional doctor before taking any medicine is therefore strongly recommended.


  1. One should seize the golden treatment time. Once the COVID-19 symptoms occur, self-rescuing methods such as scraping, acupoint massage, moxibustion and fumigating therapy, etc. should be immediately put into practice.


  1. By difficulty in breathing, high fever and low blood oxygen saturation, please make the immediate call for emergency medical care.


  1. After turning negative from COVID-19, it is strongly recommended that the patients use the typical TCM therapies, e.g. acupuncture and moxibustion, etc.. Besides, exercises such as qigong, yoga and muscle training are good for recovery. As for the nutrition, supplementing amino acids, vitamins and protein could also serve to enhance physical fitness, strengthen immunity and improve lung functions in order to avoid possible sequelae.


Many thank-you letters from the recovered patiens have been sent to Hongai Institute to show their sincere gratitude. Here attached are a few from them. More information about the Institute and its treatment methods can be found by writing to them through the following email address: HongaiTCM@outlook.com



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