Summer Tourism Enthusiasm in Linyi’s Langya Ancient Town

 “Watermelon bubble patrol”, “Bubble celebrities interact”, “Melon duel”, „Guagua summer market”, “Famous water swift wars”, “Summer retreat wine night market”, “Langya electronic water-pouring” … there are endless attractions offered in the ancient town of Langya these days. In addition, the visitors can enjoy a variety of national-styled performances or interact with the so-called “Langya Celebrities” around the corner.

The panoramic scrolls of Langya at night with its ancient image were a dreamland. With “Langya Celebrity + China Fashion + Absolute Beauty + Fun” as its core concept, Langya has carried out special series of theme activities like “Langya Celebrities · Heart-Opening Summer”, said Jiang Yue, deputy general manager of Langya Ancient Town project. 

Visitors can not only see the inviting scenery and delicious food there, but also enjoy the “China Beauty” in Langya. The performance takes Linyi’s millennium-long historical culture as the context. Besides, experts are invited online to chat about different topics. Combined with the offline activities in the scenic area, the interactions with tourists are all-round, a perfect integration of both spaces.

In the summer season of 2024, Langya Ancient Town has averaged more than 20,000 tourists per day, of which the tourists from other regions accounted for 40%. Langya pattern has provided a perfect tourist experience through extended operating time and increasing performing art programs, strongly booming the cultural tourism development in the region.

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