Reading with Wolfgang Kubin in the Café Museum, Vienna

On Friday, August 9, 2024, Bacopa Verlag organised a special literary event at Café Museum in Vienna. The renowned sinologist and author, Prof. Wolfgang Kubin, read from his latest works and had a conversation with the participants of the event.

About the author: Wolfgang Kubin, a globally recognized expert in Chinese literature and culture, has made a name for himself with his translations and own literary works. His autobiography “Des Heiligen Urschrei. Mein Leben im Abriss. Band 4 ” illuminates the Bonn years from 1985 to 2010 and offers a relentless insight into his life and work. He also introduced his work “Li Bai, Die Erde mein Kissen, der Himmel meine Decke“ from the series of Chinese poets.

Cafe Museum – the original interior designed Adolf Loos – was opened in 1899 and quickly became a meeting point of writers and artists. Coffee house readings have been held regularly in Cafe Museum since 2011. For this year, the reading was the fourth time by Bacopa Verlag, a publishing house from Schiedlberg in Upper Austria. The next reading from the autobiography of Wolfgang Kubin will take place in 2025 with “Mein Leben im Abriss. Band 5. Die chinesischen Jahre 2011-2024”. 

Photo © 2024 by Bacopa Verlag, Wolfgang Kubin, Ludwig Hartinger, Helmuth A. Niederle, Walter Fehlinger, Helena Chang 

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